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Dr Thomas Ashton
Trauma & Metaphysical Principles: The Healers Café with Dr. Manon & Dr. Thomas Ashton, MD, ABVLM
Dr. Thomas Aston (2:00):
So you know, I took on a lot of responsibility in this County and Palm beach County, Florida for anything that came my way. At that time. We didn’t have trauma centers. And so my claim to fame was I was willing to do trauma. And at that time most general surgeons were not willing to do trauma because there was a medical malpractice lawsuit crisis in Florida where the premiums are so high and attorneys had inundated the state and was just going after everybody they could.
Dr. Thomas Aston (4:30):
I was under a lot of stress at times and became very obese. I gained 50 pounds and I developed type two diabetes. I got heart disease
Dr. Thomas Ashton (24:01):
the medical practice that we have today doesn’t address inflammation. They address the symptoms that the inflammation is causing. So all the technology, the cardiac catheterizations, the open heart surgeries, et cetera, et cetera, take care of these end problems, but do not take care of the problem that we’re treating, the symptoms of it, not the disease.
Dr. Thomas Ashton (28:50)
Because, you know, for example the concept of a reincarnation, which, you know, in, in the past I thought was just not a possibility. So, but I studied, the neuro physics of it. I studied the neurology of it ,i studied, you know, everything I could in the religious realm. And then I have some experience of my. own
About Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND:
Dr. Manon is a Naturopathic Doctor, the Founder of Bowen College, an International Speaker with an upcoming TEDx talk in May 2020, and the author of the Amazon best-selling book “What Patient’s Don’t Say if Doctors Don’t Ask.” Watch for her next book, due out in 2020.
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About The Healers Café:
Dr. Manon’s show is the #1 show for medical practitioners and holistic healers to have heart to heart conversations about their day to day lives.
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Speaker 1: 00:03 Welcome to the healers cafe conversations.
Dr. Manon: 00:18 So welcome to the healers cafe, And I’m so excited actually that you’ve said yes to this interview. So let me tell the listeners a little bit about you and then let’s just, let’s go for it. Okay. So we are interviewing here Dr. Thomas Ashton. He’s been a medical doctor and particularly in general surgery for the last 40 years, which is a long time. And and your interests and what you really,are speaking about now and also in your books is that suffering has many forms. So I definitely want to go into that. But also I wanted to talk a little bit about your own journey because you mentioned in your biography that, well, first of all, you introduce notions way back in South Florida. That did not exist like promoting medical supervised use of medical marijuana and the whole notion of inflammation in diseases, in disease processes. But as well, a lot of your teachings have to do with metaphysical principles that of course are taught. But I, I would love to know your journey and, and anything like that that you, you would love to share ,
Dr T Ashton: 01:51 I’ve been a surgeon for 40 years i came to South Florida in 1984 and at that time I was freshly trained and ready to go and willing to do just about anything to get my practice started. And I believed in solo practice, so I didn’t want to join a group or get into that mess. So you know, I took on a lot of responsibility in this County and Palm beach County, Florida for anything that came my way. At that time. We didn’t have trauma centers. And so my claim to fame was I was willing to do trauma. And at that time most general surgeons were not willing to do trauma because there was a medical malpractice lawsuit crisis in Florida where the premiums are so high and attorneys had inundated the state and was just going after everybody they could.
Dr T Ashton: 02:59 So I became not only captain of the ship during trauma cases, but the entire crew as well. So fresh out of training you know, I was used to having five and six mentors and helpers during my surgical training and trauma fellowship that I could fall back on and get help. But here in 1984 I was it, so I had to deep dig deep into my training to survive that and help other people survive. So I can look back on it now and see why I never lost a patient. I mean, I’ve never had a lawsuit. I’ve never had any problem whatsoever. And I can see now what it was and what it’s very difficult to describe in a very short time. But what it amounts to is I became out of sheer terror and you know, necessity. I turned to not really my religion, but I turned to something that I thought was even more powerful than religion.
Dr T Ashton: 04:21 I turned to metaphysical principles and you know, to make a long story short I’ve had a great career and I’ve done well, but now I feel the need to teach these principles to not only doctors but everyone that wants to listen because it’s, it was an incredible journey for me. You know, I had some terrible times, some awful times. I was under a lot of stress at times and became very obese. I gained 50 pounds and I developed type two diabetes. I got heart disease and all those terrible things that go on with that. So at this point in my career, I’ve developed an online weight loss course that not only is based on you know, the latest research on how do you handle that, but also based on metaphysical principles. And I teach for, you want me to keep going with this?
Dr. Manon: 05:19 Absolutely, well, I’m really interested in that, that piece where you, you know, I mean, first of all, they took courage to stand up and dare when there’s lawsuits everywhere, which, you know, USA is renown for right. To just be open to listen. That there’s, there’s more, you know, you introduce that. How did that come to you and can you share a little bit, you know, maybe it was a story specifically. or the first one that came to so clearly.
Dr T Ashton: 05:53 I have a big story about that, which was my baptism of fire. Actually. It it’s, it’s in my book living above the chaos in my new detail, this story. But what it amounts to is my first day in practice trauma call, I received a call about a 17 year old female that had rolled her Jeep into the river. the first call was dr Ashton, you’re on trauma call today. We have a 17 year old white female that is obviously dead on arrival dead at the scene. We want to pronounce her dead and be done with it. And I said, no, we’re not going to do that because of my ego. My ego came in and said, you are not going to lose your very first patient. You’re just not going to let that happen. So I instituted a trauma protocol and I said, this patient is going to be given a chance. And in my mind I said, am I crazy? What am I doing surely This doctor knows what he’s talking about, but something just kept me driving on and on .so got to the emergency room.
Dr T Ashton: 07:21 The young lady was almost unrecognizable as a human being. She was covered with blood and you know, very bad situation. And at that point when I walked into the emergency room, my first mistake was walking through the the entrance where patients’ families wait, cause I wasn’t familiar that familiar with the hospital. I’m going in the wrong door. So there’s the family. Oh my God. They just attacked me. Said, doctor, doctor, don’t let our daughter die. This is our only daughter. And I said, Oh, don’t worry. We’ll do everything we can. And the father grabbed me and he said, no, she will not die. So I got my way through that and got into the got into the emergency room and I, I addressed her. I started, looked her over. She was still warm. Does that mean she’s still alive? So I did step by step through my training.
Dr T Ashton: 09:55 It’s an emotional experience when I really, when I relive but it started me you know, onto this, okay, I’m scrubbing at a tank and what do I say? I say I’m not, I’m not prepared. I’m not ready. I turn it over to you. Whatever that power is, let’s do this. Every patient from then on, in my whole career. That’s what I said before I did any procedures. Well, you know, this concept needed, you know, I’m not saying that, I mean I became very famous in the community here because I was the guy that was always willing to take the case and be there. So,it was a very, very successful. On the other hand,i pretty much lost my family because I lived in the hospital, but at that time I had four children. And that’s a long story too of how I got through medical school when everybody told me that I couldn’t go to medical school. But having four children and being 90% of the time gone, it takes its toll on them and the marriage and everything else. So I went through various problems in that way and and, and then tried to make sense out of the whole thing, you know, how do you make sense of this? And so that’s why I spent the next five years researching all the religions of the world. I ended up somehow after a problem with a wife that became a drug addict you know, and things were going downhill, losing everything to that situation. I went up on a trip to Tai wantamacon, my nurse said, there’s someone down there you need to meet. And that’s another whole story about how I achieved an epiphany on the pyramid of the sun by, being guided from this guide. And then I decided I understood things at that point and I understood that the only power that really exists and that is meaningful in our lives is the power of unconditional love. And it, it was it was that, those experiences that brought me to where I am now, which is I want to teach these concepts.
Dr. Manon: 12:42 Yeah, that’s quite, quite an experience. But you know, it’s, it, it touches me because I mean on many levels. But it reminds me of my uncle w ho was a a surgeon, a thoracic surgeon, and in Belgium he was, he was in practice for, I guess he started, you know, at that time it was his military thing that paid the school. And that’s how he started. And he, he practiced till almost when he passed away at age 80, 81. And I went to visit him with ,my mom just the year before he, passed away. And I asked him, what’s the biggest thing that he would say to all healthcare practitioners? What’s the most important thing of all his years of practice? And he said, it’s love, love, love your patients. And I was just saying, Oh, you know, it’s recorded in French, you know? But yeah, it’s, it’s interesting. I mean, it just, it resonated. So truly, you know?
Dr T Ashton: 13:59 Right, right. And just thinking about the unconditional part of it is if it’s if it’s a pure unity, what I call a cosmic unity if that’s a pure situation, you know, there’s love and then there’s love, but love usually equals control. I love you. Therefore, I can control you because you know, everything is conditional in our society, in this planet, everything is conditional upon meeting certain criteria. But but in the scheme of things placing condition on your love is really not love. Nope. It has to be unconditional. It has to be there no matter what. And you know, if you, the higher levels of awareness you achieve, the easier it is to practice unconditional love. But you have to be very aware of certain metaphysical concepts before you can get that into your habitual thought processes, you know, because it’s your, predominant mental attitude, or your prominent approach to life that determines if you’re even capable of feeling unconditional love.
Dr T Ashton: 15:24 And you know, once you do reach that point, you, find out that a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders because you know, the other thing I teach is our source. You know, what is our source and our source is all from the same We’re all from the same source. Everything in behind your house there. Everything behind me, everything around us is from the same source. And it’s, it’s a nuclear physics type knowledge that you must know about the big bang, how that worked and why we all from came from the same source. Therefore we’re all the same thing. Even, you know, it’s like a native Americans used to teach that, that everything is spiritual. Everything is one thing and it’s, it’s as a scientist or surgeon ! and as a scientist, I had to prove that before I could believe it. And so that’s why I was tested many times as to why I would want to pursue those, those thought processes because I had to have proof, you know, proof and I think over five years of research I came to the conclusion that I have the proof..
Dr. Manon: 16:44 Interesting. Well, I have several thoughts and comments, but I think it’s interesting how, I mean, thanks for being so open. But you know, it’s interesting how at first it’s like that the ego drive of not under my, watch. You know, it’s like, no, no, this is not going, I’m going to make a difference. And it has all the, you know, all the the power and force of I’ve got this, you know, but what I also pickup in that is, is also the, you know, whether you are aware of it or not at the time, but it’s this trust, you know, this fundamental kind of trust that there is, so can you talk a little bit about love and trust like that, that universal love that’s not attached and not control, that just is a recognition of, of this unified oneness and the notion of trust. because I’m sure that’s come through
Dr T Ashton : 17:50 In your work, you know. Well, you know, once you reached a certain point in your journey up, the levels of awareness trust does not become an issue at all. What, you know, trust what. Trust nature to be nature. You know, what I’ve determined is that nature is neutral. It’s totally neutral. And you know, we being the latest version of God’s greatest vision. Now there’s a little phrase to think about it a little bit. We are the latest version of God’s great vision, 15 billion years to reach people like us that are human beings. It took 15 billion years of evolution to come to us, and we’re the top, you know, so, you know, once you understand that you know, what is there not to trust? First of all, on the pyramid of the sun Jose taught me that there’s no such thing as death.
Dr T Ashton: 19:02 There’s only transition and you know, at the top of the pyramid, which he got me up to even though I was afraid of Heights, you know, it was like a terrible thing for me. I, halfway up I froze. I couldn’t go. And this man transmitted to me his feeling of unconditional love. And that’s what was teaching me, you know, unconditional love. So at the top, you know, I said, you know, my life is crap. You know, I’m going to jump off this pyramid because I’m done with it, you know, done. So he said, well, dr Tom, if you, I brought you here, if you jump, I got to go with you because I brought you here. Whether he meant that or not, I don’t know. But I believed that !at the time. So you know, he was, I assume he was trusting that my mental state would not allow me to destroy myself and him didn’t have a certain trust right there and he was radiating unconditional love. So you know, when there’s unconditional love, there is no other item, there’s no other problem that needs to come up. You don’t need to mistrust anything or anyone. Because here’s the thing. Let’s say someone portrays your trust, you know, maybe a spouse or a good friend or something to do something behind your back.
Dr T Ashton: 20:26 You, the main thing that you must understand is you cannot judge them because you don’t have all the facts. What did that person go through in their life that allowed them to be such a person? Was it their parents beat them up, ignored them, neglected them, abused them? You don’t know. You can’t judge someone say, well you’re a non trustworthy and so therefore I’m not going to trust you. Don’t judge that and j Don’t judge anything. Just accept everything. And then you have no issues with trust.
Dr T Ashton: 21:06 Yeah. I think what I was feeling by trust is more because trust in and of itself has a duality. There is another, if you’re going to be in and judgment and all this, and I wasn’t meaning that trust. I was thinking of the, the, the what you captured when you said, I, I can do it. And it’s like, it’s like a surrender type of, it’s a trust. How I was seeing it. Yeah. It’s like, all right, it’s all bigger than me. It’s all, and that’s that kind of, you know, I’m, for you, it happened in a, in a split second, you know, literally. And then from there on, it changed everything, you know, so
Dr T Ashton: 21:55 Well, one of the things I want to point out about the ego, this is a real important lesson because the ego gets a bad rep. You know, it’s not the ego that’s, that’s the problem. It’s egomania ego mania means, you know, making yourself number one, or winning at the expense of someone else that’s egomania. But the ego was so powerful in our evolutionary journey that it, caused us to survive many terrible things throughout history that if we didn’t have a strong ego, our race would not have survived. But so ego can be turned over and used in a positive way. You know, for example my ego is fed when I help someone, that’s just my orientation, you know, so I’m doing it out of my ego, but I’m not doing it out of egomania. Ego mania is when I do crazy things because I’m hurting someone else so that I can be better or win or something like that. So those two different aspects of the ego, ego mania and ego force used for good,
Dr. Manon: 23:17 Interesting distinction. Yeah. I’m going to shift a little bit to something that you wrote, I’m just looking at where is this now? It just got my attention and I thought, Oh, we need to talk about it. Sorry. Oh, it was about technology where. Did I see this? Oh, here. Quote. Okay. Our technology advances and talents are capable of keeping us alive, far beyond our ability to enjoy the experience. And I just thought I really would love you to explore that or share how that, yeah.
Dr T Ashton: 23:59 Well what happens you know, as we age our diets and our lifestyle and our mental, our prominent mental attitude create inflammation in our bodies. I mean, we’re walking around, we’re all walking around with massive inflammation in our bodies. And the medical practice that we have today doesn’t address inflammation. They address the symptoms that the inflammation is causing. So all the technology, the cardiac catheterizations, the open heart surgeries, et cetera, et cetera, take care of these end problems, but do not take care of the problem that we’re treating, the symptoms of it, not the disease. And so that’s why I say that. Yeah, you can have, you know, quadruple bypass surgery and go home, but you’re still full of inflammation. Your joints are still hurting, you feel tired, you’re run down. And so technology has allowed you to survive but not really live unless you go to the inflammation and get rid of the inflammation. And you know, the unfortunate part of it is tech, big Pharma, big hospitals. All these procedures are sucking up all the resources that we have for medical care and not solving the problem. Yeah, yeah. That’s what I meant, I totally agree with that, that perspective because it’s true. It’s like, yeah. And as a surgeon, it’s interesting cause you’re doing trauma surgery, which I think that’s probably one of the places where it makes sense to go under the knife. Right, exactly right. But many surgeries are removing organs that don’t make sense to remove that that if you looked at, you know, with my naturopathic training, if you looked up the actual cause you would never need to go that far. Right. You know, treat the cause and then you don’t have the organ damage, you know. So yeah, no, I was also wondering if you were looking at it in sort of a schism between our, our full potential as as beings and yet, you know, being kept, let’s say on respirators or kept on those types of technologies, whether you had any opinion yourself that from your years of experience, you know, like I mean in coma they did not know that people were really actually able to …….
Dr T Ashton: 26:44 Listen and that, and now that research has come back. Do you have any, any understanding that you’ve come across in your own practice about these kinds of life sustaining efforts Well, you know, it’s, it’s hard to know what you really feel about that until you have an experience either in your family or your own experience. You know, how the judge has it very difficult, but because people they want to cling to this thing that we call life. But you know, I know having faced death three times and survived for, I don’t know what reason, but I did survive having experienced that and all the study that I’ve done about a near death experience in the whole thing that it’s irrelevant, you know, if you feel like you want to keep mom alive and in that hospital for the next three weeks, although she can’t function, then okay.
Dr T Ashton: 27:52 It’s your decision, you know, no one could make that decision unless you’re in that situation. So it’s, to me it’s a non, it’s a non issue in that it’s such a personal issue that you can’t, you can’t judge how you would react or, you know, like I would say right now that you know, based on what I know about death and dying, that I am I’m not suicidal. I was at one point in my life because I, I, I didn’t, I wasn’t aware to the level that I am now. So I moved from one level of awareness and now I’m aware that there is no death anyway. Absolutely not any death. And you know, there’s so much, so much evidence that points in that direction and yet so much fear of dying, you know? So that’s one of the things I’m trying to teach as well.
Dr T Ashton: 28:50 Because, you know, for example the concept of a reincarnation, which, you know, in, in the past I thought was just not a possibility. So, but I studied, the neurophysics of it. I studied the neurology of it ,i studied, you know, everything I could in the religious realm. And then I have some experience of my. own and I know that that there’s a certain consciousness that never will die. And our bodies are just a vehicle right now for us to experience certain in a certain time frame, this particular universe. But guess what? There’s infinite numbers of universes. So what’s next? Let’s go. I’m looking forward to it. Yeah, I mean I’m going to do the best I can with the time I have left, but when I’m ready to go, I’m ready to go. You know? And I hope, I wish people could feel that way because death should be as a transitional situation. It should be a joyful situation.everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. That’s the way it is.
Dr. Manon: 30:11 Yeah. No, it’s, it’s interesting cause I have done a fair amount of reading, you know, myself and I do feel that we’re here for now and we are still, we’re still onwards. We go. Right. but it’s interesting. I haven’t been though, I do a lot of work on the body, like with the body, you know, as, as you did in surgery. It’s, … there’s a level of non-attachment that that also exists so that it’s almost like, yeah, you do everything you can and then there’s lines in which again, it’s, it’s letting go. It’s like, what will be, will be, there is a, a journey that you can’t, you can’t change or control ,you come to it full heartedly, but you, that’s it. You know? And, and it’s interesting because currently or not, not currently. It’s been, it’s been a while now. But you know, I’ve had patients and then,my own mother, she goes, Oh, if I’m, if I’m in the hospital and they’re gonna put me on keeping alive, please, I’ve put your power of attorney, take me off. I don’t want to be there, you know? And and I’m like, I’m fine with that, But you know, there’s other family members other people. And how do you and sisters and, you know, how do you convey that sense of of trust? I mean, I call, I call it trust, but I think what I mean really is probably surrender, you know , and when do you play God as in, you know, it’s in your hands. It’s no longer in their hands because in hospitals you’re hooked up, like you would have died naturally, but then you are there because that’s where you are and deny that. So that’s an, that’s an actual reality. So what do you, any thoughts on that subject? Because I’m sure you must’ve come across it.
Dr T Ashton: 32:24 I haven’t, you have, that’s amazing. Well I will say that you know, I can remember one patient,I had a, you know, I never could understand why I was called, I actually, I was called once in front of the medical board at the hospital. You know, because I was, I had a zero complication rate and a zero misdiagnosis rate on say, like an example appendicitis, like the national statistic is that you’re going to take out 2%, 2% of the cases you do for acute appendicitis, you’re going to find a normal appendix. You know, and I was, I was, you know, taking, you know, they said, look, you’ve had no negative appendicitis. That means you’re not operating enough. I said, well, you know, I don’t operate unless I feel that the patient has appendicitis. And the process that I go through, apparently it works because I have not opened up someone for no reason whatsoever and just called it a negative laparotomy, you know, so seeing, I really haven’t experienced possibility of, of this definitely except in one case.
Dr T Ashton: 33:51 I had a case of acute pancreatitis that was extremely severe and you know there was active bleeding, you know, just patient was going to bleed to death. So I took him to surgery and I couldn’t, no matter what I did, I could not stop the bleeding. You know, there are conditions that happens. Go intravascular coagulation and, you know, disseminated intravascular coagulation is a process where you start bleeding. So, you know, I got really, I said, okay, I’m losing my touch or something’s going on. This patient’s bleeding to death and we can’t keep up with it. And so we stopped and you know, the patient was still alive, you know, just by our respirator and everything else going, not really alive. But I went out to talk to the family. I said, look, I’m dumbfounded. I can’t stop the bleeding. I don’t know what to do.
Dr T Ashton: 34:46 And she says, doctor, he wants to die. He told us, please don’t do anything. I want to die. So I said, why? Why would I go against that? You know, some of the back. And I said, we’re done. Close them up. And that’s that and that patient died. So that was one of my experiences with death that, you know, once again, it hurt my ego because I lost the patient and I wasn’t used to losing patients. But you know, it’s one of the lessons that you learn and that is that you cannot control everything. You know, you do what you can and then you surrender. Like you said, you do what you can use the tools that you have and then surrender the process.
Dr T Ashton: 35:39 Yeah. Yeah. I know that as far as the family decisions and so forth, I have no idea. What advice to give. I just don’t know about that because every life situation is different, you know, and you have to think of so many variables with your mother in there, you know, and I lost my parents so you know, one to cancer and one to cardiovascular disease and you know, there was a decision to make and you know, we had agreed that after a certain point, my parents did not want to go into the hospital period if they were going to go, they want to go at home. So we honored that,, I said, you know mom, this is, this is getting close. You’re getting bad. She says, that’s no problem. I want to stay home. So it’s, it’s such an individual thing that it’s hard to give advice to anybody about that. But I will say one thing, I got to say this one thing, you know, this is hard to realize because I get criticized for this all the time because I say everything is perfect everything is perfect. Everything is as it should be, regardless of how you judge it. And you can’t judge it because you don’t have all the facts. But you can have a trust in the force that from a little quarter sized thing created a big bang, which created infinite universes.
Dr T Ashton: 37:13 That’s what you should trust. That power right there is what you should trust, not your human approach to various problems. You know, you do what you can and then you let it go because of the omnipotence of the creator. If he’s omnipotent, Omni powerful I’m Omnipresent Omni knowledge Omni everything. And then my book, I call that infinite wisdom, infinite wisdom. If it’s infinite and it’s infinitely wise, how would a finite person like me finite ever challenge or question the infinite? So that’s why I think that everything, no matter what it is, you know, I have problems in my life that I have to counter every day. But after it’s over, I sit down and say, okay, how was this perfect, well,now your going to question infinity. You just accept it and you go on. And I have found that every negative event in my life from the time I was tiny until now, was designed to improve and enhance my own evolution. So everything is perfect. You can’t me anything. You know, Hitler was perfect. Somebody who will say to me, Hitler, was perfect. I say, I cannot judge Hitler because I don’t have all the facts. I don’t know what made him that way. I don’t know why infinite wisdom wanted the world to go through that. I cannot question infinite wisdom. If I do, then I’m questioning the power that created all this over 15 billion years of evolution. And why me? This little guy sitting here in South Florida, how could I ever justify questioning t it’s not just a good answer. It’s a, it’s really a way of looking at things too, because I mean, my gosh, you know, when you talk about suffering actually that’s a subject I’d love you to talk about. What is actually suffering. Cause, I mean I have my version of what I believe it means myself. But what, what is suffering for you? And for me it’s like fighting against reality. It’s creating.
Dr T Ashton: 39:47 Yeah. Yeah. We suffer. We suffer when we don’t. We don’t orient, our thinking towards the big picture. you know, the suffering, suffering because of pain. Okay. Well first of all, did you do everything possible to avoid that pain? Or did you poison every cell in your body every day of your life by eating sugar and processed foods and meat that’s contaminated with antibiotics and hormones, et cetera, et cetera. So the suffering is the consequence of you damaging yourselves. So in that suffering, you could turn it around and say it’s a learning process. And you know, I just need to, I feel a need that we have to change our paradigm. The paradigm that we have with medical practice. It’s okay that patient’s suffering. Give them some Oxycontin and they won’t suffer. Okay. They’ll die of an overdose later, but they won’t be suffering that much.
Dr T Ashton: 40:56 So why not say, when you’re two years old, let’s stop feeding our children sugar, wheat, terrible foods, let’s keep them healthy. You have a long healthy life up to 125 years old and then go to sleep and go to the next phase of their life in another form. You know, why can’t we do that? We have the knowledge now. We know what causes 90% of the diseases we have on our planet are preventable and 90% of the diseases that exist are reversible without all these crazy procedures spending billions of dollars. You know, our population, the last month of their lives, usually in the intensive care unit hooked up to all kinds of stuff, spend more of our medical resources in that one month than we spend on them their whole year previous their whole life. Previous to that. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s preventable. They’re dying of preventable diseases. Sorry about that. Yeah. I don’t know if that answered any question agree, things are preventable. And then we have this notion of old age and things don’t work the way that they did. And I understand that all of that can be prevented as well. You know, and then there’s like, ah, you know, sometimes it’s not clear what it is. Like people you know, are eating the right diet. They seem to be doing everything right. How, how do you, and yet they have physical pain. How do you, and it’s probably not your domain because as a surgeon, I don’t know if you have those discussions post-surgery, but what do you, how do you approach that
Dr T Ashton: 42:59 Like persistent discomfort that people might have physically? Well, like if you take the perfect human being that has done the right diet, you know, all this thing’s perfect and there’s nothing you can find in a diagnostic realm.you’ve boiled everything down. You come back with prominent mental attitude. In other words we are taught that when you are a certain age, you’re going to start feeling bad because your mom and dad did and their mom and dad did your grandma and everybody else. Everybody around you is feeling bad. So if you reach 80 years old and you have nothing wrong with you, you have got something going on in your head that’s based on your consciousness. Being able to you know, almost become what I call cosmic unity. Once you reach cosmic unity all these concerns and questions become totally irrelevant.
Dr T Ashton: 44:06 But the thing is, I don’t know anyone that fits that category. I don’t know anyone that’s pain free and disease free because every person that I’ve ever investigated is full of inflammation. Because if you sit them down and you say, okay, if you don’t have arthritis, you don’t have heart disease, why are you so miserable? And then you start delving into things like their lifestyle and diet and so forth. Just for example, a recent research project demonstrated that older people that have arthritis and are walking in a Walker and can’t really get around if they would just get out and walk as far as they can walk and then go home. And they did that every day and every day take two or three steps more than they did the previous day. Their pain will be reduced by 80% just by walking. And that’s a proven fact. Yeah. So I mean there’s always something you can do, always something you can do. Of course there’s a lot of different theories that are well substantiated that all disease processes are caused by our own mental attitude. All disease processes, everything. There’s some proof to that answer everything.
Dr. Manon: 45:29 Do you have recommendations? I have one more question for you after this, but recommendations on or could you maybe send, you know, books articles you know, things , that have helped you in your journey and as well, you know, for people to find out more of the work you’ve done. it sounds like you’ve taken the research and, with your own life experience and now you’re sharing this with with the public as well or the, or. It’s really for healthcare practitioners. Oh, I’m after everybody, after everybody. Marketers must love you, right? Cause they’re general audience.
Dr T Ashton: 46:14 I think that the, you know, the, the trust that I have right now is I’m thinking how do I reach more people? And I’m thinking if I can train a doctor, that doctor is going to have 4,000 patients. So I’m teaching one and I’m affecting 4,000. So that’s why I’m leaning towards the doctors. Like in March we’re going to have a physician’s and a doctors financial. summit So because doctor’s are being abused and one of the ways they’re being abused is they don’t have to deal with money and they don’t make the money they’re worth ,unless you’re a surgeon and you’re working your butt off and you’re sacrificing your life to do that, you might make some good money, but it goes away. It’s just gone because you don’t know what to do with it.
Dr T Ashton: 47:09 You don’t have the training to do with it. So I’m bringing in financial specialists. I’m bringing in ways to help these doctors you know, provide what the patients want and more, more importantly, what they need. You know, patients want something, but that’s necessarily what they need. Because if you go in with hypertension, you don’t need a pill to get rid of your hypertension. You need an explanation as to where that’s coming from and what can be done to cure it without the medicine. You know? So I wanna cut out big Pharma want to cut out, you know, because all they’re doing is is making money. I want to cut out insurance companies because they’re taking insurance executives are taking billions of dollars out of the medical field that really should be used to compensate doctors for what they’ve been through and what they’re doing.
Dr T Ashton: 48:07 You know? So I’m saying, look, you know, you’re worth a lot of money. It’s time for you to realize that. And then I sneak in during all of that. My little things about the fourth, the four aspects that I push, which would be nutritional excellence, physical superiority, financial abundance, and cosmic unity. Those four things is what I focus on, you know, and teaching doctors to teach their patients and then teaching patients at the same thing. It’s those four things. If you can understand those four things, then you’re going to lead a long, healthy, happy life. And then the catch in this whole thing is now that you’re there, now that you understand, now go teach it to somebody. There is your purpose. Teaching that stuff to somebody. That’s your purpose. You want to know what your purpose is, your purpose is to learn something and then teach it.
Dr T Ashton: 49:09 It’s going to help somebody else. Your ego wants you to teach. So do it. Not egomania, not, not like insurance executives taking money from the system and building their mansions, their castles, but creating increased level of awareness. Now you asked about the sources. My one book living above the chaos has a bibliography back there that tells you all these places where I got a lot of this knowledge and a lot of it is not scientific books, it’s metaphysical books. There’s some, there are some books written by cosmetologist. I’m not cosmetologist. You know, nuclear scientists that have, cause I had to prove a lot of this, so I got some books in there about that. But most of the books are metaphysical books from people like the Dalai Lama. You know, various people like J Anderson.
Dr T Ashton: 50:19 I don’t know what you had heard of this. Some of these people, a J Anderson people like Neville Goddard, Neville, amazing, amazing teacher has book after book after book. If you go to Amazon and look up Neville Goddard you’ll be amazed at the treasure there of books that are metaphysical. And he taught during the fifties and sixties. All this did lectures all over the country. Very few people have heard of him, but he has unbelievable insight into the way things work. So there’s lots of sources out there, but that one book does it. Now I have another book called 12, six, 12 secrets of radically healthy people. And then I have another book unplugged for good. In other words, stop seeing doctors get unplugged from get unplugged from our cultural and our societal influences get unplugged. It’s called unplugged for good.
Dr. Manon: 51:21 Oh, amazing. Okay. Well, anyway, this is, I have so many more questions for you. I’d love to do it again. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And I was going to say we’re very much having come from different paths, but it’s interesting cause you know, with the audience issue, I feel like my first book was what patients don’t say if doctors don’t ask. But it’s really about creating that relationship where they know what’s missing. The answers that doctors, the way they’re trained, you could never even think of asking basically. And then I have a new book that I’m just currently writing and putting together, which is how to listen to the body when it speaks. I feel exactly right. It’s, it’s the same like unplug first, search within search and do everything. And then, you know, again, that’s why when we talked surgery, you know, yes, we know
Dr T Ashton: 52:24 The, the medical care system, this so source is going. And you know, I have a family doctor and you know, went over to see him once. And just recently I think I needed a yearly physical and he walks in and he’s in a hurry. He’s like saying, Oh, hi, dr Tom, how are you doing? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I say, ed, you know, where are you going ? He says, I’m only allowed to spend seven minutes per patient. I gotta keep moving. So he now works for a company that allows him seven minutes for patients how are you going to find out anything in seven minutes? How are you going to have any relationship whatsoever? It’s looking at the lab work, writing a prescription for the symptom, making the pharmacies rich, making…bought out his own practice ,rich because you’re seeing a hundred patients a day, you know, I mean so there’s not, there’s not going to be in the future, there’s not going to be a typical relationship between patient and doctor, you know, unless, unless the doctors figure out how to handle.
Dr T Ashton: 53:31 Yeah. Which I think is great that you’re teaching also the financial aspect of it. You know,if you look at scams and you look at all these things, it,s the highest, the most frequent group of people scammed are doctors, right? ………… Because they have a bit of money but no management skills. They don’t know what they’re doing with that. And, and they’re not thinking for the future because there’s so in the moment of, you know, of, of helping in the moment and there’s in a system, and I’ve quite a few medical friends and it’s, I have a little story that’s just gonna kill you. Okay. My wife had the last two weeks ago. She had some abdominal pain and you know, I kind of watched her and S, you know, I’m a surgeon, so I look for those certain things.
Dr T Ashton: 54:23 And you know, she said, yeah, it was hurting around here and now it hurts on the right side, down low. I’m saying, Oh, so we’ve got gotta start thinking about appendicitis. So I examined her and she had a little bit of tenderness in her right lower quadrant. Okay. So I say, you know what? You know, I don’t go to the hospital anymore. I do have a surgical clinic of my own where I do some venous work in the, in the office here, but I don’t go to the hospital. So I called the hospital and she says, well, yeah, we can see you, but it’s going to take her six hours to get in here. So I took her to a, urgent care center that happened to be run operated by another hospital in West Palm beach. So we went in or like when I met the doc and I said, look, I just want a white blood count. I just want to see what our count is. If I knew what her white blood count is and notice the patterns in that blood work, I would know if she’s getting appendicitis or not. Right. He says, Oh, I got to see her then, and not a dah, dah, dah. She ended up having nothing. They didn’t do a white blood count until later, but they did an MRI. Oh geez. When we left there, I got the bill later, $39,000 to tell her that she had a mild case of gasdritis.
Dr T Ashton: 55:48 That’s where our medical care, $39,000 we were in there for maybe an hour and they did an MRI and did this and this, this, this, this. You know, it can’t be, I wrote, I called back, I said it can’t be $39,000. It’s impossible. Well, doctor, we,re the experts so that’s where we’re going and that’s, where’s that money going to? Not to the doctors. Nope. No, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And it’s worse, you know, cause in Canada things are still covered. So it’s not necessarily
Dr T Ashton: 56:24 The end user. They’re paying with their health, but they’re not, cause you’ve got to wait in line eight years for a hernia repair. And that’s right. Because they think that because it’s free, that’s, you know, well that’s the solution rather than actually going to see, naturopathic physicians or, you know, in many cases, things can be helped with all kinds of, , therapies, especially pain. Like Bowen therapy works unbelievably well and gets people moving and pain free. And it’s like, why aren’t they doing this first while I know why. I mean, that’s interesting. Anyway, I don’t want to take you anymore so much. Yeah, you’re very welcome. Keep in touch.
Speaker 1: 57:32 Thank you for joining us. Go to DrManonBolliger.com for more information.

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